Seminario interno de Optimización será dictado por la profesora Vera Roshchina de la University of New South Wales (Australia).
Facial structure of convex sets and some characterisations of regularity
Este jueves 7 de Junio a las 11h30 se realizará un seminario interno del grupo de optimización. La expositora será la profesora Vera Roshchina de la University of New South Wales (Australia), quien está de visita en el Centro de Modelamiento Matemático (CMM) por estos días.
Los datos de su charla son los siguientes:
Title: Facial structure of convex sets and some characterisations of regularity.
Abstract: Facial structure is a key tool in the study of convex sets. I will talk about faces and their dimensions and will also mention different notions that capture the regularity properties of facial arrangements important for a range of theoretical results and algorithms. In particular, I will focus on the dimensional patterns of faces of convex sets, and also on facial exposedness and facial dual completeness (niceness) of closed convex cones and the relations between then.
This is based on joint work with Levent Tunçel, Tian Sang and David Yost.