Graph Reconstruction in a Congested Clique
En esta ocasión la charla estará a cargo de Pedro Montealegre doctor de la Université d’Orleans (Francia), y actualmente académico de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.
Este seminario se realizará el día jueves 30 de mayo en la sala de Seminarios del Departamento de Matemática en Casa Central.
La charla se denomina: “Graph Reconstruction in a Congested Clique”.
Resumen de la charla: The broadcast congested clique is a model of distributed computing where the nodes of a graph communicate in one synchronous round, broadcasting a message of small size visible to every other node. Research in this topic consists in the design of communication algorithms that compute a function of the graph, minimizing the message sizes.
The most difficult problem that one may attempt to solve in the broadcast congested clique model is the reconstruction problem, consisting in recovering all the edges of the input graph. In this talk we will show how to optimally solve this problem, when the input graph belongs to any hereditary class of graphs.
Como siempre la invitación está dirigida a todos los miembros del DMAT, y en especial a los alumnos de ICMAT, de magíster y de doctorado.