28 de julio de 2022, 12:15 horas.
Se invita a la comunidad de DMAT, el jueves 28 de julio de 2022, a las 12:15 horas, a participar de una nueva sesión del Seminario de Investigación del DMAT, donde expondrá Takéo Takahashi, investigador de la Université de Lorraine, CNRS, INRIA. Su charla se denomina “Interaction between an incompressible viscous fluid and an elastic wall”.
Lugar: Sala de Seminarios DMAT, Casa Central, Valparaíso.
Resumen: We consider a viscous incompressible fluid interacting with an elastic structure located on a part of its boundary. The fluid motion is modeled by the bi-dimensional Navier-Stokes system and the structure follows the linear wave or beam equation in dimension 1 in space. In order to show the existence of strong solutions for the corresponding coupled system, we study the linearized system coupling the Stokes system with a wave/beam equation. According to the cases, the corresponding semigroup is analytic or of Gevrey class.