Alfredo Alegría Jiménez
Coordinador de Investigación y Postgrado
Encargado de Seminarios
Línea de Investigación:
Probabilidad y EstadísticaInformación:
- Grado Académico: Ph.D Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
- Título Profesional: Ingeniero Civil Matemático, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
- Campus: Casa Central
- Oficina: F-258
- Horario de consulta: Lunes y Miércoles de 14:00 a 17:00 hrs.
- Email:
- Teléfono: (56) (32) 265 4488
- Sitio Web
Publicaciones Recientes
Núm. | Autores | Artículo | Revista | Año |
22 | A. Alegría, X. Emery |
Matrix-valued isotropic covariance functions with local extrema | 2024 | |
21 | A. Alegría, G. Cleanthous, A. Georgiadis, E. Porcu, P. White |
Gaussian random fields on the product of spheres: Theory and applications | 2024 | |
20 | A. Alegría |
Effective sample size for georeferenced and temporally evolving data | 2023 | |
19 | X. Emery, A. Alegría |
The Gauss hypergeometric covariance kernel for modeling second-order stationary random fields in Euclidean spaces: its compact support, properties and spectral representation | Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 36(9), 2819-2834 |
2022 |
18 | A. Alegría, X. Emery, E. Porcu |
Bivariate Matérn Covariances with Cross-Dimple for Modeling Coregionalized Variables | 2021 | |
17 | A. Alegría, P.G. Bissiri, G. Cleanthous, E. Porcu, P. White |
Multivariate isotropic random fields on spheres: Nonparametric Bayesian modeling and Lp fast approximations | 2021 | |
16 | A. Alegría, F. Cuevas, P. Diggle, E. Porcu |
The F-family of covariance functions: a Matérn analogue for modeling random fields on spheres | 2021 | |
15 | X. Emery, A. Alegría, D. Arroyo |
Covariance models and simulation algorithm for stationary vector random fields on spheres crossed with Euclidean spaces | SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 43, (5), A3114-A3134, (2021). |
2021 |
14 | A. Alegría, F. Osorio, R. Vallejos, J. Acosta. |
Assessing the effective sample size for large spatial datasets: A block likelihood approach | Computational Statistics \& Data Analysis, 162, Paper No. 107282, 21 (2021). |
2021 |
13 | A. Alegría, X. Emery, C. Lantuéjoul |
The turning arcs: a computationally efficient algorithm to simulate isotropic vector-valued Gaussian random fields on the d-sphere | 2020 | |
12 | A. Alegría
Cross‐dimple in the cross‐covariance functions of bivariate isotropic random fields on spheres | 2020 | |
11 | A. Alegría, F. Cuevas |
Karhunen–Loève expansions for axially symmetric Gaussian processes: modeling strategies and L2 approximations | Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol 34, 1953–1965. |
2020 |
10 | X. Emery, A. Alegría |
A spectral algorithm to simulate nonstationary random fields on spheres and multifractal star-shaped random sets | Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment volume 34, pages2301–2311(2020). |
2020 |
9 | E. Porcu, S. Castruccio, A. Alegría, P. Crippa |
Axially symmetric models for global data: A journey between geostatistics and stochastic generators | 2019 | |
8 | A. Alegría , E. Porcu, R. Furrer, J. Mateu |
Covariance functions for multivariate Gaussian fields evolving temporally over planet Earth | Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment; Vol. 33(8), pp. 1593-1608; Aug. 2019. |
2019 |
7 | E. Porcu, A. Alegría and R. Furrer |
Modeling Temporally Evolving and Spatially Globally Dependent Data | 2018 | |
6 | A. Alegría, E. Porcu and R. Furrer |
Asymmetric Matrix-Valued Covariances for Multivariate Random Fields on Spheres | Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 88(10), 1850-1862. |
2018 |
5 | J. Clarke, A. Alegría and E. Porcu |
Regularity properties and simulations of Gaussian random fields on the sphere cross time | 2018 | |
4 | A. Alegría and E. Porcu |
The dimple problem related to space-time modeling under the Lagrangian framework | 2017 | |
3 | A. Alegría, S. Caro, M. Bevilacqua, E. Porcu and J. Clarke |
Estimating covariance functions of multivariate skew-Gaussian random fields on the sphere | 2017 | |
2 | M. Bevilacqua, A. Alegría, D. Velandia and E. Porcu |
Composite likelihood inference for multivariate Gaussian random fields | Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics, 21(3), 448-469. |
2016 |
1 | A. Alegría, M. Bevilacqua and E. Porcu |
Likelihood-based inference for multivariate space-time wrapped-Gaussian fields | Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 86(13), 2583-2597. |
2016 |